FTG with the first virtual trade show via live chat

Digital distribution channels
In times of far-reaching and restrictions due to Covid-19, the duration of which cannot yet be foreseen, there are hardly any opportunities for the industrial companies to come into direct contact with its customers. Trade shows cannot take place, training courses in companies are not possible, and other events with market partners cannot be carried out either. For these reasons, alternative, digital distribution channels are required. FTG, Friedrich Göhringer Elektrotechnik GmbH, decided to offer a virtual trade show for its business partners from mid-November.
FTG, based in Triberg (southern Black Forest), produces systems for efficient distribution and connection of electrical currents. The manufacturer’s components are used in switch boards all around the world. From mid-November this year, customers and all specialists from the electrical installation sector can be guided digitally through the booth. By making an appointment, FTG consultants are available to talk directly to you via live chats.
On the virtual booth, FTG will show the latest product developments of busbars as well as solutions for various areas of electrical engineering. The latest trends in the fields of aluminum, solar applications, higher protection classes and surge protection are also presented.
With the virtual trade show and direct contact via live chat, FTG uses the possibilities of digitization and the Internet. Certainly, these cannot completely replace personal contact with customers. Given that customer appointments are not allowed for the foreseeable future, these measures still offer very good opportunities to exchange ideas with market partners and exchange important information – almost like face to face.
Appointments for visiting the virtual trade show including live chat can be made by request: